A variety of courses including (but not limited to) Communications, Social media and Data protection.
£35 +VAT per course.
A variety of courses including (but not limited to) Communications, Social media and Data protection.
£35 +VAT per course.
A wide range of finance training sessions including Audit, Year-end and VAT designed for local council clerks, officers and councillors.
£35 +VAT per course.
Qualifications and webinars focussed on local council administration.
Prices vary. See SLCC website.
An array of short, dynamic online training courses designed to equip councillors, clerks, and council staff with essential skills.
£16 inc. VAT per course.
Our ever popular course for new councillors, clerks and those just wanting a refresher.
Wednesday 26th of February 2025
Stewart Village Hall, West End, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxfordshire OX10 0RY
Member Council: £110.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £220.00 + VAT
A refresher course for town and parish clerks who have served for a number of years, to cover a range of topics as well as networking opportunities with other clerks.
Tuesday 4th of March 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £60.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £120.00 + VAT
Would you like to make positive change in your community? Do you know what is needed or possible… or where to start? A Community Led Plan (CLP) could guide the way. Join us to find out about the Community Led Planning process, how to tailor the approach so it’s right for your community and the time you have (from 9 steps to lighter community engagement), and how a CLP differs f...
Tuesday 11th of March 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £50.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £100.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible.The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers.Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pmThe training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Wednesday 19th of March 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
A blended learning session covering the statutory requirements for town and parish councils, responsibilities and timescales
Thursday 27th of March 2025
Blended learning- video and online Q&A session
Member Council: £50.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £100.00 + VAT
This is a one day course aimed at those who are responsible for the Routine (daily to weekly) inspections of play areas.SYLLABUSThe benefits of playInjuries occurring on playgroundsLegal responsibilitiesInspection techniques for basic equipment typesThe inspection procedures of their verifying employerA Certificate of Training will be issued to all participants who comp...
Wednesday 2nd of April 2025
Kennington Village Hall, Kennington Road, Kennington OX1 5PG
Member Council: £150.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £300.00 + VAT
Save the Date! Hear from various teams from Oxfordshire County Council and enjoy a networking lunch with officers, as well as fellow parish/town councillors and clerks.
Thursday 3rd of April 2025
County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND
Member Council: £0.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £120.00 + VAT
This session is for councillors only and is designed to give them a greater understanding of their duties with regard to the council’s finances.Topics include:• Roles and responsibilities• setting a budget and precept• Financial control• The Annual Governance & Accountability Return• Internal and external audit• How VAT applies to local councilsBy t...
Wednesday 30th of April 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £35.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £70.00 + VAT
This introductory session is for inexperienced clerks, deputy/assistant clerks and finance officers in their first few months and is designed to give them an overview of a council's year, along with a basic understanding of the RFO's role. When a new clerk attends this session, you will also get a free place on a second course of your choice. If you have 9 month's experience or more, this s...
Wednesday 30th of April 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £35.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £70.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible.The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers.Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pmThe training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Thursday 1st of May 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
An opportunity for new clerks to find out more about their role and to meet other new clerks in Oxfordshire. This one-day course will give you the tools you need for the job as well as where to go for further advice.
Thursday 8th of May 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £115.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £230.00 + VAT
This two day course is aimed at those who are responsible for the operational (Monthly to quarterly) inspections and those in a supervisory or maintenance role.
Tuesday 13th of May 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £185.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £370.00 + VAT
How to overcome common employee performance problems, such as poor standard of work, attendance and absenteeism and misconduct.Includes informal counselling approaches, as well as how to conduct Formal Disciplinary action in accordance with current legal obligations.10.00 -11.30am...
Wednesday 11th of June 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £35.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £70.00 + VAT
An opportunity for new clerks to find out more about their role and to meet other new clerks in Oxfordshire. This one-day course will give you the tools you need for the job as well as where to go for further advice.
Tuesday 24th of June 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £115.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £230.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible. The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers. Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pm The training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Thursday 3rd of July 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
Due to the success of the 2024 'Talking Tables' Training Day for Clerks and Councils in Oxfordshire, we are pleased to announce the date for 2025! This year's theme will be Resilience - further details of topics and speakers will be announced soon. A networking lunch break will provide an opportunity to speak with our exhibitors and sponsors as well as meet fellow councillors and clerk...
Friday 18th of July 2025
Wootton & Dry Sandford Community Centre, Lamborough Hill, Wootton, Abingdon OX13 6DA
Member Council: £55.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £110.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible. The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers. Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pm The training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Wednesday 10th of September 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
This two day course is aimed at those who are responsible for the operational (Monthly to quarterly) inspections and those in a supervisory or maintenance role.
Tuesday 16th of September 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £360.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £740.00 + VAT
This course led by the ICCM runs over two consecutive mornings (9.15am - 12.30pm) and is suitable for anyone involved in the management of a burial ground.Course overviewLocal Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977 (LACO)General powers of managementComplianceRegisters and recordsGranting and extending exclusive rights of burialConsentAvoiding disputesBurials; depth, shallow graves...
Tuesday 23rd of September 2025
Online (Zoom)
Member Council: £145.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £290.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible.The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers.Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pmThe training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Tuesday 18th of November 2025
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible.The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers.Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pmThe training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Tuesday 13th of January 2026
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
Each session (4 in total) will be held in Benson Parish Hall, with the option to attend online if attendance in person is not possible. The mentoring is done by Lucy Dalby, County Officer, and Rachel Brown, Assistant County Officer, who are both recognised CiLCA trainers. Each session is a morning starting at 9.30am -1pm The training assists and supports your own learning, giving direction...
Wednesday 4th of March 2026
Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, OX10 6LZ
Member Council: £275.00 + VAT
Non-Member Council: £550.00 + VAT
Cancellation Policy
We require a minimum of 14 days' written notice for cancellations. Where the required notice is given no charge will be incurred by the council. However, where notice is less than 14 days the full cost of the place will be incurred. Additionally, non-attendance without cancellation notice will incur the full cost of the course booking.
If necessary, other delegates may attend in the place of the original attendee should they be unable to attend.
As the majority of our courses are online we recognise technical difficulties may occur. It is therefore vital that if you have a problem you make contact with us immediately at info@oalc.org.uk or by phone on 0751 9367709 or 0774 6943076. Failure to make contact at the time of the course will be treated as non-attendance without notice and your council will be charged the full cost of the course.
Late payment
OALC invoices should be paid within 28 days of the invoice date. We do understand that councils usually meet monthly so authorisation for payment may take longer than 28 days. However, if payment isn’t made within 3 months from the date of invoice a late payment fee of £20 (+VAT) will be additionally invoiced to the council.
We urge all clerks to bring this information to the attention of their councillors and staff